To capture a photo in a Fiori app, you can use the sap.m.Camera control that is provided by SAPUI5. This control can be used to capture images directly from the device's camera and display them in the app.
Here are the steps to capture a photo using the sap.m.Camera control:
Add the sap.m.Camera control to your view. You can add it using the following code:
xmlCopy code
<Page title="My Fiori App"><content><sap.m.Camera id="myCamera" /></content></Page>
Bind the imageUrl property of the sap.m.Camera control to a model property in your controller. This will allow you to access the captured image later.
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// In your controlleronInit: function() { var oModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel({ imageUrl: "" }); this.getView().setModel(oModel); // Bind imageUrl property of the Camera control to the model propertyvar oCamera = this.getView().byId("myCamera"); oCamera.bindProperty("imageUrl", { path: "/imageUrl" }); }
Add a button or other control that the user can click to capture the photo. Attach an event handler to this control that captures the image using the capture method of the sap.m.Camera control.
javascriptCopy code
// In your controlleronCapturePress: function() { var oCamera = this.getView().byId("myCamera"); oCamera.capture() .then(function(dataUrl) { var oModel = this.getView().getModel(); oModel.setProperty("/imageUrl", dataUrl); }.bind(this)) .catch(function(error) { console.log(error); }); }
You can now display the captured image in your app by binding the src property of an sap.m.Image control to the same model property that you bound to the imageUrl property of the sap.m.Camera control.
xmlCopy code
<Page title="My Fiori App"><content><sap.m.Camera id="myCamera" /><sap.m.Image src="{/imageUrl}" /><sap.m.Button text="Capture" press="onCapturePress" /></content></Page>
With these steps, you can capture a photo in your Fiori app using the sap.m.Camera control and display it in your app.