In SAP HANA, a schema is a container for database objects, such as tables, views, procedures, and other database artifacts. It provides a way to organize and structure the database objects within the HANA database. Each schema is associated with a specific user, and the user is granted the necessary privileges to access and manipulate the objects within that schema.
Here are key points about schemas in SAP HANA:
Organizational Unit:
A schema acts as an organizational unit within the HANA database. It allows users to group related database objects together.
User Association:
Each schema is associated with a specific database user. This user is typically the owner or creator of the schema and has the necessary privileges to manage the objects within it.
Privileges and Security:
Privileges and access control in SAP HANA are often defined at the schema level. Users associated with a schema have specific privileges to perform actions on the objects within that schema.
Namespace for Objects:
Objects within a schema share the same namespace. This means that two different schemas can have objects with the same name without conflicts.
Logical Partitioning:
Schemas provide a way to logically partition and organize the database objects. For example, you might have one schema for finance-related tables and another for sales-related tables.
Schema Creation:
Schemas can be created by database administrators or users with the necessary privileges. Once a schema is created, objects can be created within it.
Object Ownership:
The user associated with a schema is often considered the owner of the objects within that schema. This user has control over the schema and its objects, including the ability to grant and revoke privileges.
Default Schemas:
SAP HANA has some default schemas, such as the SYSBIC schema for analytical views and SYSREPO for repository-related objects. These default schemas are created during the installation of SAP HANA.
In a multi-tenant SAP HANA system, each tenant database can have its own set of schemas, providing isolation and separation between tenants.
Object Dependencies:
Objects within a schema can have dependencies on each other. For example, a view within a schema may depend on tables or other views within the same schema.